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Real Statistics Excel Function. KSPROB ( x, n, tails, iter, h) = an approximate p-value for the KS test for the Dn value equal to x for a sample of size n and tails = 1 (one tail) or 2 (two tails, default) based on a linear interpolation (if h = FALSE) or harmonic interpolation (if h = TRUE, default) of the values in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Table. Estimating Volatilities by the GARCH and the EWMA model of PetroChina and TCL in the Stock Exchange Market of China Haochen Guo 1 Abstract Volatility is an important parameter for financial risk management and it is applied in many issues such as option pricing, portfolio optimization, VaR methodology and hedging, thus the.
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Dataset for running a one-way MANOVA in XLSTAT An Excel sheet with both the data and the results can be downloaded by clicking on the button below: The data are from [Fisher M. The Use of Multiple Measurements in Taxonomic Problems. Annals of Eugenics, 7, 179 -188] and correspond to 150 Iris flowers, described by four variables (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width) and their species. Three different species have been included in this study: setosa, versicolor and virginica. Setting up a one-way MANOVA in XLSTAT After opening XLSTAT, select the XLSTAT / Modeling data / MANOVA function.
Once you've clicked on the button, the MANOVA dialog box appears. Select the data on the Excel sheet in the General tab. The Observations/variables table field should contain the Dependent variables (or variables to model), which are the four morphological variables in our situation.
The Groups field should contain the explanatory variables – the Species column in our case. As we selected the column title for the variables, we left the option Column labels activated. Then move to the Options tab.
The interactions option is deactivated as we only have one single explanatory variable. The default confidence level is 5%. The tests are activated to help us treat the final results. The computations begin once you have clicked on the OK button.
The results are displayed in a new Excel spreadsheet. Interpreting the results of a one-way MANOVA in XLSTAT Summary statistics on the variables are displayed followed by the results relative to multivariate tests. All of those tests are built around the same null hypothesis, which excludes any effect of the explanatory variable on the combination of dependent variables. We will focus on the interpretation of the Wilks Lambda test.