Practical Teaching A Guide To Ptlls Dtlls Pdf Viewer
Following the success of her previous Practical Teaching guide, Linda Wilson has written the ultimate handbook for the student teacher wishing to pursue the next stage of training in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Practical Teaching: A Guide to PTLLS and DTLLS is the perfect companion for those studying or teaching the PTLLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) and DTLLS (Diploma of Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector) qualifications. Drawing on years of experience in the field, Linda Wilson takes readers through all aspects of teaching and learning; from the initial interviews and inductions through the learning process, to assessment and finally reflection, offering helpful and workable tips for success along the way.This book is directly mapped to the units and learning outcomes of the PTLLS and DTLLS qualifications, and supplies practical ideas for teaching in an easy-to-read style. Essential theory is introduced on a need-to-know basis, and is set in the context of its application within the classroom.
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COURSE: UNIT 6 – UNDERSTANDING INCLUSIVE LEARNING AND TEACHING IN LIFELONG LEARNING COURSE CODE: F/503/1235 LO 1: UNDERSTAND LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGIES IN LIFELONG LEARNING LO1.1: ANALYSE LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGIES USED IN OWN SPECIALISM Gravells, (2012) explained that regardless of any chosen learning and teaching strategies, the subject being taught, the context and environment, all learners must be engaged, stimulated and motivated at all time to achieve their full potential. For example, In support of the SCCD Notes (2012), and my practice, several learning and teaching techniques needs to be used to create inclusive learning environment because the mix of learners have ODD, ADHD, MLD, autism etc whose needs met with the appropriate teaching resources, various assessment method, etc. She (Gravells (2012) analytically various learning and teaching strategies that could be used and gave examples of individual strength and limitations like demonstration as a practical means of showing how things work, which provides hand-on experience, allowing learners to link theory and practice meeting several learning styles and encourages peer group assessment. In my practice, I encourage learners to demonstrate their knowledge at each stage of my teaching allowing LTT which promotes inclusive learning, foster good rapport, and establish an environment of trust among small groups or individuals learners making them feel safe meeting the safety stage of Maslow’s Heir-achy of Needs.
Read or Download Now Practical Teaching: A Guide to PTLLS. The next few chapters form almost a how-to guide and have the trainee. The Preparing to Teach (PtLLS), the Certificate in Teaching (CtLLS) and the. Diploma in Teaching (DtLLS) in the Lifelong Learning Sector, I imagine this would. The effortlessly read text provides valuable signposting and offers clear links.
It could also be of a disadvantage due to unavailability of resources, preparation time-consumption, and discourages self assessment Gravells (2012). For example, learners tend to work in group which might not promote inclusion because the more proactive learners tends take over the task and not everyones individual ability is assessed. One other learning and teaching strategy could be discussions, which I will link to Kolb (1984) described “Learning as the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” which could involve all learners in a small groups or 1 to 1 basis to allows time for questions and sharing of ideas and opinions to provide an excellent means of two-way communication such as TTT, TSTT or STT. Gravells (2012) I recall using Q&As to assess learners knowledge, skills and understanding.
They enjoy the opportunity to contribute to the topic by sharing relevant examples and getting involved and be part of the lesson. Unfortunately as emphasised by Gravells (2012), this approach does not fully promote inclusive learning environment because shy learners or those with SEN such as English as second language” may not wish to be involved, or become too vocal, and the class gets disrupted due to digression from the task at hand and Individual learners may lose focus. Gravells (2012) also explained that e-learning is a convenient alternative option to learning where there’re hindrances to traditional learning situations.