Golovachev Ekonomika Predpriyatiya
Golovachev, V., 'Rozhdaetsya Gerkules chto sderzhivaet razvitie elektronnoy vychislitel'noy tekhnlkl v strane [ A Born that is Retarding the Development of Electronic Computer Technology in the Country'], Trud, March 19, 1967, p. Polnyj indeks arhiva HarryFan Text colection 1.0 CD. Vasilij Golovachev. GOLOVV06.ZIP 128950 07-07-96 Nepredvidennye vstrechi GOLOVV33.ZIP 57702 07-07-96 Vladyki.
Full text of ' DOCOMENT RESUME ED 056 598 LI 003 206 AUTHOR TITLE INSTITUTION SPONS AGENCY REPORT NO PUB DATE NOTE Doncov, Boris Soviet Cybernetics Technology: XII. Time-Sharing in the Soviet Union, Rand Corp,, Santa Monica, Calif. Air Force, Washington, D. R-522-PR Oct 71 75p.;( 90 References) EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS IDENTIFIERS MF-$0,65 HC-S3-29 computers? ^'Computer Science; ^Cybernetics; ^Foreign countries; Technological Advancement; ^Technology; *Time Sharing ^Soviet Union The only operational Soviet time-sharing systems are incorporated in special-purpose, f ixed-application_ installations, most of which are intended for industrial applications of process control or management information. Despite the peculiar suitability of time-sharing to the Soviet economic system, with its heavy reliance on centralized planning and progress reporting, time-sharing research projects are noteworthy for their lack of progress, their reliance on existing, marginally suitable hardware, ana their failure to solve the problem of unreliable data— transmission^ facilities. Ekahau site survey 2 1 crack download. The report concludes that it is now propitious to bring into focus the status of existing work on time-sharing and its historical background as a prelude to assessing new work that can be expected to followthe introduction of Ryad and the implementation of projects promised in the current Five-year Plan.
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(Author) O ERIC This research is supported by the United States Air Force under Project Rand- Contract No. F44620-67“C“0045— Monitored by the Directorate of Operational Requirements and Development Plans, Deputy Chief of Staff, Research and Development, Hq USAF. Views or conclusions contained in this study should not be interpreted as representing the official opinion or policy of Rand or of the United States Air Force. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & Wt ' FARE OFFICE OF EDU^ JMF’ H ' '.P = C •RC c ■)H - •>c ■ TPIN.D NO RILY t'ji or-i CIAL O' K. R:DU- OSmON OR POLIC'1 O R-522-PR October 1971%oviet Cybernetics Technology: XII. Time-Sharing in the Soviet Union, ( Boris Doncov O O GV?
CO o o o ERIC I. A Report prepared for UNITED- STATES AIR FORCE PROJECT RAND Rand SANTA MONICA. C A., 9040b Cfp 2 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED *■ 3 ERIC Published by The Rand Corporation -iii- PREFACE This study of the status of research and development projects In computer time-sharing in the Soviet Union was commissioned by Rand's Soviet Cybernetics Technology project, under U.S.