Disadvantages Of Implementing Iso 9001
Jan 20, 2015. In the context of advantages and disadvantages of implementing quality management systems in accordance (QMS) with PN-EN ISO 9001. Dec 22, 2016 - Posts about iso certification advantages and disadvantages written. ISO Certification Service India ISO 9001,0, 27001, OHSAS 18001. To the success of a Quality Management Systems implementation.
Advantages of an ISO 9001 Quality Management system • 1. Advantages of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001) by: Wouter Rodrigues www.qualicertus.co.za • 1. ACHIEVING INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION • International Standards Organization (ISO), is recognized globally as the leading authority on quality management. BOOSTING EMPLOYEE MORALE • There are factors present in any organization which play very important roles in motivating staff. • Examples: - • Management Commitment, having clearly defined Roles & Responsibilities, established training systems and programs etc.
• The presence of these and many more factors which are included in the ISO 9001:2008 system, all play a role in illustrating to staff that their role in the organization not only affect quality, but also the overall success of the organization. Www.qualicertus.co.za Advantages of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001) • 3. ENSURING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND INCREASED EFFICIENCY • By implementing the ISO 9001:2008 in your organization, customer satisfaction is ensured as the quality system ensures consistency, efficiency and the organization’s dedication to rendering a quality service or product to the consumer. Podelki ko dnyu nezavisimosti rk. Bezopasnij internet buklet.
• The purpose of implementing and maintaining the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System is to maximize the quality and efficiency of the processes leading to the final product or service. • The Quality Management System consists of guidelines which are implemented within the organization for the employees to follow. These guidelines include factors such as trouble-shooting, transitions and training. Www.qualicertus.co.za Advantages of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001) • 4. CONSISTENCY OF ALL PROCESSES WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION • Consistency within all processes in an organization minimizes the opportunity for error. • These processes include from the research, design & development stage and the process of making changes to the processes to ensure a good quality product or service, right through to the actual delivery to the consumer.
• This consistency ultimately ensures that the final product or service is of a consistent quality. Www.qualicertus.co.za Advantages of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001) • 5. IMPROVEMENT OF PROCESSES BASED IN DOCUMENTED FACTS • It will be necessary to make changes to processes within an organization to improve and maintain the quality of a service or product. • Audit processes, Management Review and Improvement processes based on documented data are outlined by the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. • Improvements based on facts are carefully planned and implemented. • This is assisted by the use of the system of Documentation and Analysis.
• This will in turn ensure that all decisions made by management are the best decisions for your organization. Www.qualicertus.co.za Advantages of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001) • 6. FACTUAL APPROACH TO DECISION MAKING • There are a clear set of instructions within the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System regarding the process reviews and audits. • These instructions facilitate decision making and information gathering based on factual data collected within the processes. WELL STRUCTURED AND EFFECTIVE DOCUMENTATION • The ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System requires that all processes are documented including any discrepancies, errors and changes. • Staff accountability and consistency throughout production is then therefore ensured. Traceable records are therefore also then available.