Cwcheat Cheatpopsdb Download has more content than anyone else to help you win all PSP (PSP) games! Glenn gould recordings. Choose the starting letter for the PSP game you're looking for, or browse our most popular games and cheats for PSP.
Ok you have to do it this way: 1- You just need to rename the cheat.db to cheat.txt so that you can open it with notepad and write the codes in it. 2- the codes need to be in order first you need to have a file like this (the example is from a FFVII cheat found on this thread you need to put your game info here just use this as a guide) _S SCUS_94163 _G Final Fantasy VII _C0 Experience Up _L 8009BF70 FFFF so yours should be something like this _S The game save folder in here, you can see that in cwcheat when you open it while in the game and go to the cheat list. _G the name of the game goes here. _C0 Here you put the cheat's name and its C and number 0 not letter O just maaking sure ^^ _L Here goes the code. 3- Now you just need to rename the cheat.txt back to cheat.db and enjoy your cheats ^^ Btw i think the PSX cheats have a different db file something like a popscheat.db or cheatpops.db not sure, (don't have my psp with me to check) hope this helps ^^.