Captiveworks Cw 600s Premium Bin Files
CaptiveWorks CW-600S Files Needed To Switch From Summer To Kround SW This is the files you need to convert your Captive Works from summer SW to Kround SW you will have to first use loader 1.04 to load Kround SWv1.06 under boot mode once done reboot reciever and put it in stand by mode to do this power up from the rear switch after unit is on then hit the power button on the front of the box. . Then open loader 1.05 and load the loader 2.50 SW once done load the latest CW600S bin, scan sats and enable the patch by hitting f-1 you should see an H on the front of the reciever then hit 000 and exit out. There is a read document enclosed in this file i got this some where else. All you need is this file and the latest release for Captive Works 600s by Kround NOTE:if you have the kround software in your receiver from now on you MUST use the V1.05 tool to update your software and you CANNOT go back to the old summer version.
DO NOT DO NOT put this file into any other receiver other than Captiveworks CW-600S receiver because that could damage your receiver. Please make sure when you upload the files, that the power is always on. If you shut down the power while its loading, it will damage the receiver. EDIT: added the bev & dish long channel names files necessary to activate this feaure load these files last, after updating with the newest CW600S bin using the instructions note.txt file.
We provide private FTA files, Nagra2 BIN files, Software, FTA Receiver Firmware, keys, autoroll bins, and updates for your Captiveworks CW-600s FTA Receiver. We support all major Brands of FTA receivers on our FTA forum. Oct 3, 2014 - CaptiveWorks CW-600S Premium FTA Receiver. Now click on the file folder graphic and select the correct bin from your PC file system (there.
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